Travel tips

How to deal with jet lag and time difference

Time zones can be difficult. So know how to deal with jet lag and time difference. Find out more here.


Effective management of jet lag and adaptation to different time zones

Hours – Source: Freepik.

Do you know when you are going to travel? Normally when you travel you go to a place that is several hours apart, and this creates problems. When you move to a place with a completely different time zone, things can get weird and you end up wanting to go to sleep at 5pm and wake up at dawn. 

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This is called Jet Lag and it is a very annoying syndrome, but it disappears after a while. It is caused by a sudden time zone change and does not affect anything physically, just your sleeping pattern. But don't worry, you no longer have to be afraid of this, since below we will show you how to deal with these benefits. 

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What is jet lag and is it important? 

Very, jet lag is very important in the world of travelers, since it is a syndrome caused by travel. And no, it's not lethal or anything, it's just that your internal timing will be all wrong. If you go to a place with a difference of about 6 hours, you arrive and after a while you can't sleep early or get up early. 

This time difference leaves you confused and ends up ruining your trip a bit, and this can take days or weeks to resolve. But don't worry, this usually happens in just a few days and you will be able to recover your schedule. 

How to deal with jet lag and time difference 

Now that you know what jet lag syndrome is and how jet lag affects you, you may be scared for your trip. But don't worry, everything will go well if you follow the following tips. With them you will be able to overcome this crisis quickly and it will be much easier than you think. Keep reading. 

Get enough sleep before traveling 

Before embarking on your trip, make sure you are well rested. Sleep all day beforehand if you need to, just so you can stay awake long enough to change schedules and get used to your new schedule. Of course, you can also sleep during the flight, but this time if you sleep before the flight, it is more effective. 

Nap during the day 

The nap will be your best friend. When you take a nap you are sleeping very little and little by little you can return to the same nighttime routine you had before. However, be careful, only take regulated naps of a few minutes at certain times. If you sleep for hours, nothing will change in your sleep. 

Don't abuse coffee 

At times like these, drinking coffee is something that many find difficult to put aside, but it is very dangerous if you continue. Not because with jet lag something will go wrong, but because if you drink coffee you will end up energizing yourself more than necessary, and that can go wrong. Caffeine stays in the system for four to six hours, so you can imagine the damage.

Melatonin can help 

Somehow, to help with jet lag, you can take melatonin supplements. These supplements are good for this jetlag problem, but not very good for you. Of course, you can't just have the medication on hand, so a prescription is necessary for this. 

Drink a lot of water 

Maintaining high levels of hydration will be important. Now that the time has changed, you will be more tired or sleep deprived because of it. Therefore, when you drink water you regain energy, you stay hydrated and your mind works better. Water is a great form of energy. 

Wear sunglasses 

This is a strange tip that many do not know, but several studies by scientists have discovered that when wearing sunglasses the adaptation is easier. Because they help your body adapt better to the different lights and shapes it had. 

Try relaxation exercises 

These exercises can help you. When you're lying in bed trying to sleep, relaxation exercises can be a good option. Just sit down and start a quiet meditation so you can relax and sleep. 

Go for a walk or exercise. 

Did you change your time zone? To sleep, a good option is to exercise. Get tired and run outside, after a while you start to get very tired and then you can sleep and not suffer so much fuss. The same can happen at other times when you can't sleep, but want to rest.

Adjust your routine 

The last piece of advice I have to give you is to adjust your routine. Try starting from home. Go to bed a few hours earlier and get up earlier. When the time comes to change the time zone, it won't be so bad. 

Don't worry about time zone and travel!

The shaft can be quite annoying, right? A very unfortunate fact that no one likes. Therefore, I hope that with this article we have helped you find valuable information. 

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