Travel tips

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The best tips on etiquette and local customs for travelers! Learn how to have better travel etiquette.


How good it is to travel! Traveling is something so fun and quality that you will always enjoy it. Did you know that billions of people travel every year? Well, the number is so much that if you look at global air routes on the Internet, you will see the number of planes currently in the air. Traveling has truly become part of world culture. 

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However, when traveling you have to be careful. Not all places have the same cultures and hobbies. And something that differs greatly from one country to another are customs and etiquette. While in some countries this won't make a big difference, others take it very seriously. Let's take a look today at what you can do. 

The importance of the culture, customs and individual etiquette of each country 

Knowing what each country offers in terms of label and customs requirements is very important. Did you know that most disputes between foreigners and natives of other countries are due to the difference in cultures? Sometimes only the way of speaking can generate these disputes. Perhaps you speak more relaxed and in the country you visit formal language is the norm. 

A good example is Japan, where people mostly use more formal language and show a lot of respect, especially towards older people. That is why many foreigners who do not know this can end up doing poorly in the country. Learning the customs and knowing how to adapt to each region will make your life much easier. 

The best tips on etiquette and local customs for travelers. 

If you're planning to travel to another country, make sure you know everything you need to know about it, including the language, customs, and etiquette of the place. Many uncomfortable things and situations can arise thanks to this cultural barrier. Therefore, it helps you break it and have the best experiences. Let's see below some tips on etiquette and customs. 

religious temples 

If you visit a different country it will definitely clash with your religion, and even if it is not your favorite or desired religion, it is still something you should respect, and believe me, many countries take these customs very seriously. So be careful with your clothes. In certain countries it may be considered sacrilege to wear certain clothing in temples. 

Not only that, but avoid using your cell phone inside the temple. When entering ask if you can take photographs, if they allow it be careful not to photograph people praying. This is a very intimate moment for many religious people, having been photographed without consent is a great offense, and it is an offense that they have a right to feel. 

In the eastern countries 

We all know that Eastern countries are countries that have one of the cultures most contrary to what most people are used to. And it's not a bad thing, in fact, I find cultural differences incredible and quite interesting, but certain things that are normal in more Western countries can be disrespectful or even rude in Eastern countries. 

For example, in cheetah, scraping the plate is considered an insult. Not in all places, but the vast majority will think that they gave you little food. In Japan, don't tip. The Japanese are very friendly and hardworking and refuse any extra tip other than their salary. Some even feel offended. 

During the trip 

Traveling is stressful enough in itself. Getting on a plane can be scary and being surrounded by strangers doesn't help. Therefore, if you are looking to have a more pleasant label, you should know the following: always stay in the reserved space. I've seen dozens of times people who book seats separate from their family because it's cheaper, and then on the flight they want to take someone else's seat to be closer. 

This is very uncomfortable and leaves everyone embarrassed. Not only that, but doing so could get you kicked off the plane. Another tip is to follow the instructions given. If the flight attendant starts talking to you about safety tips, listen to everything, if she tells you to fasten your seat belt and turn off your cell phone or put it on airplane mode, comply. These things are essential to have peace. 

On visits to museums 

Are you thinking of visiting a museum? One of my favorite places in the world are museums, and although it is not that common, it is a great place for leisure. In museums, avoid standing in front of others or in front of a single painting, centralizing and blocking the view. The museum is public, yes, but having a little education doesn't kill anyone. 

Not only that, but avoid getting too close to paintings or structures. Not only for the museum, but for you, because if it breaks it will cost you a lot. And of course, don't forget to maintain civilized behavior. Behave correctly, remain silent and observe the paintings without disturbing anyone. Of course, you can still talk about them with people, but avoid talking out loud. 

Following the etiquette is one more step towards a happy journey! Share this with friends to improve your travels. 

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