Destinations and Travel Privacy Policy

Updated May 16, 2024.

Introduction and Summary

Embark on a journey of discovery with Destinos e Viajes, your digital access to the world in Here we are dedicated to turning your travel dreams into reality with our articles and insights. Our mission is to be your trusted companion, navigating through a multitude of enchanting destinations and helping you create unforgettable adventures.

At Destinos e Viajes, we value the trust you place in us when sharing your personal and financial information. Therefore, we have established a privacy policy that reflects our firm commitment to the protection and confidential handling of your data.

We invite you to explore and understand the measures we have implemented to safeguard your privacy. For a detailed explanation of how we protect your information and the options available to you, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy carefully. In case of questions or for additional advice, our customer service team is ready to assist you in We are always at your disposal to ensure your peace of mind regarding the security of your information.

Scope of Application of Our Privacy Policy

The Destinos e Viajes Privacy Policy explains the treatment of your personal information when using our services, which includes:

The visit and use of our main website,, as well as any other associated site that mentions this Policy. Any other type of interaction with the services we offer.

It is crucial to understand that our Privacy Policy is limited to the digital sphere. It has been created specifically for users who interact with Destinos e Viajes in the digital environment of our websites and is not applicable to information collected offline or through other methods other than through our online platforms.

About Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and browsing our website, you agree to the terms set forth in our Privacy Policy and associated Terms of Service, which can be found at

If you believe that our policies and procedures do not meet your expectations or needs, we recommend that you refrain from using our Services. We value and respect your judgment regarding these guidelines.

I. Categories of Information Collected by Destinations and Trips

A. Information Provided Directly by Users

For most sections in Destinations and Travel, it is not necessary to provide personal data to navigate. However, some specific sections of exclusive content may require you to register and provide personal information, such as your name, email address, telephone number, and address.

The purpose of collecting this data is to provide you with a personalized experience on our site and to ensure verification of your identity, whether you are acting as a natural or legal person. In this way, we can offer a service tailored to the needs and preferences of each user.

Likewise, if you contact Destinos e Viajes to make inquiries or report incidents, we may collect your personal information, which will be used exclusively for the administration and improvement of our website.

B. Data Collected Automatically

Destinos e Viajes also collects impersonal information automatically when you visit our site, in addition to the information you provide us directly.

This automatic information includes technical details such as your IP address, the type of browser you use, your Internet Service Provider (ISP), access dates and times, as well as your browsing behavior, which is recorded using log files.

To tune our services to your preferences and optimize our marketing tactics, we employ the use of Cookies and Web Beacons. These technologies are essential to provide an experience tailored to the user.

If you do not disable Cookies on your browser or device, we will interpret that you agree to their use.

C. Information from Third Parties

Destinos e Viajes provides information about financial markets and redirects to the websites of our Advertising Partners for related products and services. When you interact with ads on our site, these partners may receive reports that include your IP address, through technologies such as Cookies, Web Beacons and JavaScript, in order to evaluate advertising effectiveness.

It is important to clarify that we have no control over these third-party Cookies, although you have the option to manage them through the settings of your browser or device.

It should be noted that your interaction with an advertisement or access to an Advertising Partner's website does not create any connection with Destinos e Viajes. Our Privacy Policy applies exclusively to your interaction with our platform.

Each of our Advertising Partners, including Google (which uses Dart Cookies to track visits across different sites), has its own privacy policy. We recommend that you review these policies for more specific details. If you would like to opt out or learn more about Google's Dart Cookies, you can visit the Google Google Privacy Policy.

For more information about the privacy policies of other Advertising Partners, we encourage you to visit their respective websites.

Cookie Use Guidelines for Destinations and Travel

Greetings from Destinos e Viajes! It can be found in our Cookies Use Guide, available for consultation on our website,

Understanding How Cookies Work

Destinos e Viajes uses cookies, as well as other specialized online platforms, incorporating these small text files that are saved on your device to optimize your experience when browsing our page. In this explanation, we will show you what type of information cookies collect, how we use them and the importance of keeping them active. In addition, we will tell you how you can control the use of cookies on your device, but it is important that you know that limiting their use could influence the functionality of our website.

Information on the Use of Cookies

Cookies play an important role in improving your experience on our website, as explained below. As there is no standard way to disable cookies without affecting the functions they provide, it is suggested to keep cookies active, especially if it is not clear whether you need them for the services you are using.

Deactivation and Management of Cookies

You have the power to manage cookies through the settings of your internet browser (to find out how, see the Help section of your browser). It is crucial to remember that disabling cookies may modify your experience on Destinos e Viajes and could also influence how you interact with other websites you visit. Frequently, turning off cookies results in the loss of specific functions and features on the site. For this reason, it is generally not advisable to disable cookies unless you are certain that they are not essential for the services you use.

Types of Cookies Used on Our Site

Cookies for User Accounts: When you create an account with us, we use cookies to manage the registration process and the general functioning of the website. These cookies are usually deleted once you log out; however, some may remain to remember your preferences on the site even after you have logged out

Login Cookies: We implement cookies that keep you logged in, simplifying the process so you don't have to log in repeatedly while browsing our site. These cookies are generally deleted when you log out to maintain the security of content and restricted areas.

Cookies for Email Communications: For users who subscribe to our newsletter or email alerts, we use cookies to track whether you are subscribed and to determine which of our communications are most relevant to you based on your current subscription status.

Cookies for Surveys and Feedback: From time to time, we may conduct surveys or solicit feedback to improve our services or better understand our user demographics. Cookies are used to remember if you have already participated in a survey or to provide accurate results as you move from page to page.

Cookies for Forms Submitted by Users: If you submit data through forms such as contact or comment forms, we may use cookies to retain user details for future correspondence.

Cookies for Personalized User Experience: We use cookies to facilitate a personalized experience on our website, allowing you to set your preferences for how the site works when you visit. These cookies are essential to retain your settings and apply them on subsequent visits to pages that are affected by your preferences.

External Services Cookies

At Destinos e Viajes, we sometimes incorporate third-party cookies to provide a superior browsing experience. Below is a summary of the third-party cookies you may encounter on our site.

  • We use Google Analytics, a trusted and featured analytics service, on our site to help us understand how users interact with it. This service tracks user behavior, such as how long you spend on the site and which pages you visit frequently, which helps us personalize our content to make it more engaging. For more details about the cookies used by Google Analytics, it is recommended to visit its official page.
  • In order to understand how our site is used and continue to produce content that interests our audience, we rely on cookies from third-party analytics services. These cookies track information such as the time you spend on our site and the pages you visit, helping us optimize the site to suit user preferences.
  • In our efforts to improve the website, we may introduce new functionality or make changes to the way the site is presented. During such periods of experimentation, cookies may be employed to ensure a consistent experience as we evaluate which changes have the most positive impact on our users.

Cookie Preferences Control

You have the ability to prevent or disable cookies from any website, including ours, by modifying the settings in your web browser. For help with the most commonly used browsers, you can refer to the following resources:

If you want to opt out of Google personalized advertising, you can make the necessary changes to the Google Ads Settings. To opt out of personalized advertising from other third-party providers, you can visit This website offers guidance on how to set your advertising preferences across different platforms.

II. Management of Information Collected by Destinations and Trips

At Destinos e Viajes, we use the data obtained through our website in order to enrich your experience and optimize our service in various ways:

  • We continually work to ensure that our website operates efficiently, offering a smooth and satisfactory user experience.
  • It is our purpose to maintain and improve the functionalities of our website, adapting them to your tastes and requirements.
  • By analyzing your interaction with our site, we can adjust functionality and content to more effectively respond to your interests.
  • We are dedicated to innovation, creating new products, services and functionalities that match your interests and the advancement of technology.
  • Our communication strategy is based on direct dialogue with you, including customer support, site news and marketing campaigns, sometimes in conjunction with our partners.
  • We send emails, such as newsletters and offers, thinking about topics that might be to your liking.
  • We focus considerable efforts on strengthening security to prevent fraud and ensure the protection of our website and your personal information.

III. Commitment to Information Security

At Destinos e Viajes, we maintain the policy of not commercializing the data collected from our users. However, we may share such information with partners to enrich the user experience and contribute to the development of their products and services, as previously indicated. Users who prefer not to share their data have the option to exercise their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We adhere to rigorous security standards in our information collection and storage practices. Our central purposes are the continuous improvement of the user experience and the formulation of effective strategies for our services and products.

Given the uncertain nature of Internet security, ensuring foolproof protection represents an ongoing challenge. Therefore, Destinos e Viajes reserves the right to take legal action in the event of data security violations by malicious actors.

IV. Protecting Your Privacy Rights

1. Recognition of Your Rights

Destinos e Viajes recognizes and respects your rights regarding your personal data, whether you have an account with us or not. It is essential to keep in mind that these rights may differ depending on your geographic location, as different regions have specific laws regarding privacy and data protection.

2. Data Retention Policy

We retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to comply with our legal retention obligations, provide you with our services and carry out our operations efficiently, unless you indicate otherwise. In the event that you wish to have your personal data completely removed from our records, you have the option of contacting us at Upon your request, we will proceed to delete your data from our systems, honoring your choice and complying with applicable legal regulations.

V. Data Protection Rights

At Destinos e Viajes we are aware of the importance of your data protection rights. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have a number of rights in relation to your personal information:

  • You have the right to request access to the personal data we hold about you. A reasonable fee may be required for this service.
  • If you detect that your data is incorrect or incomplete, you can ask us to rectify or complete the information.
  • You may require us to delete your personal data from our systems, subject to certain conditions.
  • In certain circumstances, you have the right to restrict the processing of your data.
  • You can object to the processing of your data in specific situations.
  • You have the right to request the portability of your data, which involves the transfer of your data to another organization or to yourself, under certain conditions.

We undertake to respond to requests regarding these rights within a maximum period of one month. To make inquiries or exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

SAW. Policy Regarding Data of Minors

Destinos e Viajes does not intentionally collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. We urge parents and guardians to play an active role in monitoring the online activities of minors to ensure their protection.

In the event that we identify that we have unintentionally collected information from minors, we undertake to delete such data from our records promptly. Parents or guardians who believe that their children's information has been collected on our site may contact us at, and we will take the necessary measures to ensure that the information is removed efficiently.

VII. Modifications to the Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in technology, legislation or operations. We are committed to notifying users of any changes clearly and in a timely manner. It is advisable to review our Privacy Policy frequently to be aware of how we protect your information. Your continued use of our services following the implementation of changes indicates your agreement with the updated conditions.

VIII. Communication with Destinations and Travel

For questions, comments or concerns related to our Privacy Policy, the processing of your personal data or your consent preferences, do not hesitate to contact us through We are at your disposal to offer assistance and clarify any questions related to these topics.