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Flight ticket promotion on Momondo, see how to find it from $ 11.99

Get to know Momondo and discover if it is worth trusting a metasearch engine when planning the trip of your dreams.


Save on your airfare and accommodation – For that, choose Momondo when shopping!

Travel with Momondo from $ 11.99 – Source: Destinos e Viajes

Today, in this article, we are going to tell you how you can travel with Momondo and save a lot in the process. This way, you will be able to understand what the trips are like, what is offered during the flights and if it is really worth choosing this option.

Momondo from $ 11.99

See how to buy Momondo flights now.

After all, we know that planning a trip can be difficult, having a website that posts and compares flights and accommodation in real time can make things a lot easier. Furthermore, at the end of this article you will be able to understand if it is really worth choosing this option and if it can give you everything you want when it comes to personalizing your trip. 

Momondo from $ 11.99

See how to buy Momondo flights now.

What is it like to travel with Momondo?

First of all, you should know that Momondo is a metasearch engine. This means that you will have access to several airlines that offer tickets to the destination you are looking for.

With that in mind, it is important to know that the trip itself will depend on the airline, but the Momondo company cares about facilitating your entire check-in process and making your trip as pleasant as possible.

Flying classes at Momondo

Basically, there are 3 travel categories you can choose from when traveling with Momondo. However, as we mentioned above, tickets will be purchased directly from the airline and therefore the categories will depend on the company you choose to travel with.

At the time of purchase, you will have access to this information and, in general, it is important to know that the classes are always economic, business or executive. But of course, this will depend on the ticket you have purchased. Of course, the idea is that everyone is very comfortable so that your trip is the best possible.

Discover the services offered at Momondo

Regarding the services offered on the site, you can expect to find ticket and accommodation comparators. That is, you can customize your trip according to your needs. However, during the flight you may have access to some special services. The services will depend on the airline with which you purchased the ticket and the company responsible for your flight.


The entertainment options during your flight are varied and some flights may offer television services, headphones and everything so you can travel. Especially if your trip is long, without major worries.

So you will have access to the internet and television, which will show some movies for you to choose from and also headphones for added comfort.


Shorter flights may offer an in-flight snack, which usually includes a coffee, juice, and some cookies.

Also, in the case of longer flights, it is common for you to have access to meals such as breakfast, lunch and dinner. All this with various options so you can choose the best one for you.

Baggage clearance

In general, short flights do not require checked baggage. Therefore, if your flight is long, you can travel with a carry-on bag on board. This without having to pay anything extra for it.

However, in the case of long flights, 20 kg of luggage is usually allowed, which you can check in free of charge, but in the case of extra luggage, you will have to pay extra for it. Just check with the company directly in this case. 

Is it worth traveling with Momondo?

First of all, as we promised in this article, we will help you understand a little more if it is really worth choosing this company when planning your trip. Therefore, it is important that you know that this is one of the largest companies in charge of making price comparisons for air tickets and accommodation. Which makes it an excellent option when it comes to saving good money.

After all, we know that many times the ticket takes up a large part of the travel budget and. If you manage to save on this part, it becomes much easier to enjoy the trip without worries. Then, the amount you save can be spent on excursions and leisure.

Additionally, it is also possible to schedule an alert. This means that in the application itself you can create an alert so that every time the value of the ticket changes, you receive a notification. So you don't miss any offers and can stay informed about all price changes.

So if your question is whether it is really worth it, the answer we can give you is yes, it is really worth choosing this site when you search!

Momondo from $ 11.99

See how to buy Momondo flights now.

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